Thursday, August 4, 2011

When it rains it pours

"When it rains it pours"---

No, I am not talking about actual rain here, I am talking about the opposite sex. I have been told 8 times, by 8 different boys (or men) in the past month that me and them would be perfect together. I just counted...and wow. Thats crazy,

I guess that makes me not special, I dont get to be that one guys dream girl....nahh im 8, heck lets just have me be everyones dream girl

im not trying to sound u know full of it, i seriously want to run away from it. Like..realllly fast!

I just want that one guy that will do anything to be with me and do anything for me...I guess thats a lot to ask, but I would do the same! I want someone to take care long as they are taking care of me in return...I aint a sugaaa mama mmk boys?  (yes i was asked last week if i would be someones sugar mama)

I want a guy that will randomly show up at my house just because he cant stop thinking about me and If im not home, leave a note, "i miss you" or some shit like that.

Yeah I can be a hard-ass when it comes to the whole relationship thing...but Im still a girl, I still want to be wanted for the person I am, not for the person they think I am.

This is beginning to sound more like an ad for a dating website than my blog haha.

I dont want anyone else right now though...

I always get sad at night, but I'll be positive in the day time...gotta keep busy!

So Im reading a book, (I should read more, its fun!)


"I drink for a reason" by David Cross

Its amazing, just random thoughts, It keeps me soo entertained. Which is nice :)

Ok, well im going to see a movie with my mother, so gotta go get ready!

One step at a time...

Song that wont get out of my head:

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