Monday, April 4, 2011


Hello and Good morning, its Monday morning yay, favorite day of the week...just kiddding, its not. So today started off wonderful. I woke up this morning and popped in an old mixed cd from when I was a junior in high school and was pleasantly surprised! The third track on the cd was this:
Yessss! Dr. Jones from Aqua. Totally forgot about how wonderful this song is!
Its safe to say, anyone who will be riding in the car with me this week will be lucky enough to listen to this tune, gettt ready!

I have a job interview today at 2:30. Don't know if I really wanna go, I thiiink it's $14 an hour, which is much better than what I get now, but I really like working in Scottsdale, oh well. Guess I gotta give it a try!

This weekend I saw 


Source Code: Excellent
Insidious: Holy shit that was scary, but goood 

So yeah, fun stuff. Got some movies from blockbuster that were a dollar each.
I got:

then...since there was no case I bought this movie:
thinking it was thisss movie:

Disappointed for sure! But I haven't watched my mistaken movie yet, I'm sure I will though. 

I would love it to rain soon, that would be wonderful. Rain rain come my way, and please come back every day! I need to move, to another country or state. These are the places I have decided I am going to live, no matter what....and I have had alll of these on my list since high school, just sayin. 

New York



Southern California

Wonderful. I've only been to one of those 4 places, but still. I'm living there, so yeah. 

If you cant take the heat then get the fuck out the kitchen

Dont really know whyyy I typed that. Just kinda felt like it...

I'm bored, hope you enjoyed the random thoughts that were in my head this morning.

Bu byeee

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