Sunday, October 2, 2011

Its been a while since Ive written in here. I have just been soo busy. 
Seriously, I wake up next to thee most attractive guy ever, then have school, then go visit my mother, go to work, then see the boii and then do it over again.
I really cant remember the last time I was this happy. This guy is so good to me. I couldnt ever ask for anything better. He's like "the nice guy" trapped inside a super attractive guy. Yeah..hes the whole package people.
So suuuck it!

I need some new music! Ive listened to it all, and now I need to listen to something new
So he showed me this which I love, cuz its totally me:

I allso started watching this hilarious show called tim and eric. Here is a clip!:

Ok, well its Sunday Funday today. So I better go get ready :)

Bye ya'll

Tuesday, September 6, 2011



what a good night last night

Im so happy :)

I have to go to work noww, but I shall update later ;)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


havent written here in a while

I am in a goood place right now

I am so happy, last night was a fun night and I am just one lucky girl...that is all

I wish I could write more on here and just explain everything thats going on right now,
I might start a new blog so I can just explain everything going on

Im just...ahh happppy

I love life, especially when it is like this

Ok :)

bye now

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Please make sure to check out the music video for this song, its soo awesome. Its not on youtube, but its on so check it out!

Also, there is a guy at my work that looks exactly like this guy:

Yeaaahh, they could be twins. Im lucky :)
Well its almost the weekend again! I had a fantastic weekend last weekend, the best day was Saturday though :) 

This weekend shall be fun filled as well. Guess who's goin out? 
This guuurrl!

Ok well I must go get ready for work now, gotta curl my huuur (translation: hair)

Ok bye :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Hiii :)

I am so happy and so excited for this weekend! It's gonna be a goood one.

Anyways...I just had taco bell right now, I was craving it and so I ate it..and it was gross. woohoo, taco bell is not a good idea guys, it doesnt taste good, mmk?

So...I dont know really what to

I love my job, I absolutely love it. I make great money, especially for my age, and the people I work with are awesome, I couldnt ask for anything better.

So there are a few movies I want to see this weekend, and if u know me, u know Im alll about them indie movies! So there are two that are out this weekend that look my opinion of course, you may think they look like shit...but they dont :)

So the first one:

And the second one:

Ohhh the second one, looks soo awesome.

Cant wait :)

Song of zee day:

I'm happier than you "dude" I have so much more

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


What an asshole

Why the hell was I sad about something thats not worth shit?

People like you make me sick, yeah I do want nothing to do with you.


I am going to have an amazzzing weekend btw everyone :) yayy for mee

Bye loves x